Media Library
Christianity | Faith
Titles Starting with 'E'

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Library media is listed alphabetically by title.

Earth Restored

by John Barber

Item Number: 1655

Book -- "Here is a book which ties together the two great commands of God: the Cultural Mandate and the Great Commission. A practical guidebook for Christians of all persuasions." A quote from D. James Kennedy Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Florida. "Many Christians have forsaken social activism, since history seems at first glance to be moving against us. John Barber's book does precisely what is needed. He advocates a clear program for Christian cultural activism, based on the biblical program of the Kingdom of God. He shows that we need to emphasize both the Cultural Mandate (filling and subduing the earth) and the Great Commission (making and teaching disciples of Jesus). And he shows that although we sometimes endure defeat, God's plan cannot fail." quote from John Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary.

Eat the Cookie: The Imperfectionist's Guide to Food, Faith, and Fitness

by Taylor Kiser

Item Number: 1562

Book -- Are you struggling with body image, eating disorders, or endless comparisons? Kiser understands because she has been there, too. In this easy-to-follow road map to health, Taylor---now a certified nutrition and fitness coach---shares personal insights from her own journey, God's truth to help you redefine your identity, never-before-published recipes, fitness plans, and other practical tools.

Education a la Carte: Choosing the Best Schooling Options for Your Child

by Dr. Kevin Leman

Item Number: 1417

Book -- Public, private, charter, homeschool, online programs - the number of educational options can be overwhelming! Which is right for your child? Clearly explaining the pros and cons of various alternatives, Dr. Kevin Leman offers valuable insights to help you choose the path that will best motivate your children to develop their strengths and natural talents. Includes a Q&A section.

El idioma del amor: Hable el idioma de su pareja como nunca antes

by Dr. Les Parrott and Dr. Leslie Parrott

Item Number: 1295

Book -- Un descubrimiento revolucionario sobre la comunicación para transformar las relaciones amorosas. Una y otra vez, las parejas nombran «una mejor comunicación» como la mayor necesidad en sus relaciones. El idioma del amor por los Dres. Les y Leslie Parrott, aclamados expertos en relaciones, es un plan profundo pero sencillo que está lleno de nuevas revelaciones que revolucionarán la comunicación en las relaciones amorosas. Los primeros pasos para mejorar este factor tan importante en cualquier matrimonio o relación amorosa son identificar sus factores de miedo, determinar sus estilos de comunicación personal y aprender la mejor manera de interactuar el uno con el otro. Este libro está escrito en un lenguaje fácil de entender con el fin de enseñar claramente lo que necesitan hacer—y no hacer—para hablar el idioma el uno del otro como nunca antes.

Embracing Grace: A Gospel for All of Us

by Scot McKnight

Item Number: 1497

Book -- McKnight encourages all Christians to recognize the simple, yet potentially transforming truth of the gospel message: God seeks to restore us to wholeness to form a community of Jesus, a society in which humans strive to be in union with God and in communion with others.

Emptied: Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured-Out Marriage

by Wynter Pitts and Jonathan Pitts

Item Number: 1254

Book -- Jonathan and Wynter Pitts invite you on a journey to explore a different approach to your happily-ever-after marriage. Emptied is a way of life. It's not about trying harder; it's about thinking differently. Only when you are emptied of your own self-focused motivations can God pour new life into you for the abundant marriage and satisfying relationship you long for. Are you ready to approach your marriage poured out, ready to be filled up?

Ensename a sentir

by Courtney Reissig

Item Number: 1297

Book -- Muchas de nosotras suprimimos nuestros sentimientos porque nos preocupa que sean impíos. Otras de nosotras estamos tan guiadas por nuestras emociones que les permitimos dominar todo, incluida nuestra fe. En estas meditaciones honestas, personales y edificantes en 24 salmos seleccionados, Courtney Reissig analiza las emociones que todos experimentamos, desde la vergüenza, la ansiedad y la ira hasta la gratitud, la esperanza y la alegría. Para cada una, muestra cómo los salmos nos dan permiso para reconocer cómo nos sentimos ante Dios y cómo pueden ayudarnos a usar esos sentimientos de manera productiva y fiel. Este devocional de los salmos les dará a las mujeres un lenguaje para clamar a Dios y ayudarlas a procesar sus sentimientos, así como crecer en su fe.

Epic: An Around-the-World Journey Through Christian History

by Tim Challies

Item Number: 1443

Book -- The scrawl of ancient graffiti, an unremarkable carving, pieces of machinery, an old book—studying relics from the past is a tangible way to make history real. Join author and pastor Tim Challies as he embarks on a three-year journey spanning multiple continents and some of the most unusual places in the world. Tim introduces you to thirty-three carefully selected objects that help you understand the long and complicated history of Christianity in a unique and creative way. Epic features: An epic journey: 24 countries, 6 continents, 75 flights, 80 museums Beautiful full-color book design featuring the objects and Tim's journey The complete experience: a 10-episode documentary is also available, taking you on location and providing an immersive experience for understanding the history of Christianity

Erasmus of Christendom

by Roland H. Bainton

Item Number: 1491

Book -- Born the illegitimate son of a priest, Erasmus grew to become one of the most influential figures of the Reformation. Bainton's multifaceted portrait chronicles Erasmus's rise from poverty and his emergence as a powerful yet moderate voice for change as he corresponded with Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Henry VIII, Thomas More, Pope Leo X, and others.

Esperanza Hoy

by Dr. Albert L. Reyes

Item Number: 1610

Book -- Â¿Te has topado con la pared? Aprende a derrumbar esa pared para que Dios pueda trabajar a través de ti y satisfacer las necesidades de los demás. ¿Existe un muro entre el satisfacer las necesidades prácticas de las personas y las necesidades espirituales? ¿Puedes satisfacer solo una de las dos? En Esperanza hoy, el Dr. Albert L. Reyes derriba cualquier muro existente que separe el llamado bíblico colectivo de satisfacer las necesidades espirituales y prácticas de las personas. Aprende cómo estas necesidades son dos caras de la misma moneda, y cómo satisfacer ambas, no solo es factible, sino que menester. Esperanza hoy ofrece aliento para un ministerio holístico, mostrando cómo y por qué el evangelismo puede y debe combinarse con el ministerio social y los esfuerzos de justicia social. Perfecto para trabajadores sociales y aquellos que trabajan con adultos mayores, huérfanos y niños en riesgo, Esperanza hoy les recuerda a los creyentes que están acercando el reino de Cristo cuando satisfacen las necesidades físicas y espirituales de los demás. Basado en años de experiencia y servicio pastoral, el Dr. Reyes sabe de primera mano cómo están conectadas las necesidades espirituales y prácticas de las personas. Como sexto presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Buckner International desde que se fundó como un hogar para niños huérfanos luego de la guerra civil en Texas, Reyes dirige Buckner International, un ministerio que se ha dedicado por más de cien años a transformar las vidas de huérfanos, niños vulnerables, familias y adultos mayores.

Espresso Your Faith: 30 Shots of God's Word to Keep You Focused on Christ

by Rhonda Rhea

Item Number: 1372

Book -- Based on 1 Peter 5:8, Espresso Your Faith takes a perky approach to exploring 30 keys from God's Word that every believer needs, to stay spiritually alert. In typical Rhonda fashion, you'll laugh one minute and be challenged to act the next. With a fresh biblical perspective, Espresso Your Faith will have you energized and feeling perkier, healthier and stronger in no time.

Essential Habits of Relational Leaders: Building a Culture of Trust

by Boyd Bailey

Item Number: 1697

Book -- What makes a leader great? They're often trustworthy, genuine, among those who promote and command respect. In other words, they're relational. Through true stories and practical advice, Bailey shares 30 habits to help you foster connections---at home, at work, and in your communities. You'll learn to listen empathetically, engage those around you, and lead by example.

Este adolescente necesita otros padres

by David Sola

Item Number: 1440

Book -- Sí, pero no unos padres cualesquiera; de ser así, el remedio podría ser peor que la enfermedad. Este adolescente necesita un padre y una madre que le amen como lo amáis vosotros, que le comprendan como lo hacéis vosotros, que estén dispuestos a ayudarle como lo estáis vosotros, que tengan claras las pautas a seguir como las tenéis vosotros; pero, que a su vez, puedan ejercer de padres por encima de su particular experiencia personal, que no conviertan a su hijo en víctima de sus carencias, represiones, temores, inseguridades, dependencias y demás secuelas emocionales negativas. En definitiva, un padre y una madre que rocen la excelencia a partir de una renovación interior gracias a la aportación que sus hijos han realizado en su vida.

Everbloom: Stories of Deeply Rooted and Transformed Lives

by Shayne Moore and Margaret Philbrick

Item Number: 1441

Book -- Through the pain, loss, beauty and redemption in these pages, you’ll find freedom in Christ and the courage to embrace your own story. The women of Redbud know the importance of spiritual shelter, and how easy it becomes to feel alone and misunderstood. In the Everbloom collection they offer essays, stories and poetry: intensely personal accounts of transformation, and the journeys to find their own voices. Best of all, they invite you to join them, with writing prompts that encourage a response of honesty, faith and imagination. Accept the invitation: set out on the journey to find your own voice.

Everyday Hope: Holding Fast to His Promise

by Katie Orr

Item Number: 1578

Book -- Are you desperate to experience the hope of Christ in the everyday? Everyday Hope - an easy-to-use, four-week study - will help you discover how to hold fast to God's promises amidst feelings of hopelessness. Exploring God's Word in as few as 15 minutes a day, you'll learn more about His promises as they apply to you now and in the everyday moments to come.

Everyone's a Genius: Unleashing Creativity for the Sake of the World

by Alan Briggs

Item Number: 1241

Book -- Church consultant and author, Alan Briggs, guides the church leader on a profound yet simple methodology on identifying the unique God-given abilities of their parishioners, and empowering them to their best use. While well-intentioned, spiritual-gift-inventories have largely focused on how your spiritual gifts can be assimilated into the serving needs inside the local church, Everyone’s a Genius reframes how God-given genius can help us join God's mission to restore all things. This is a simple, yet inspiring, look into how we can more effectively challenge those in the church pews to leverage abilities for the sake of impacting the world for Jesus. After all, Everyone’s a Genius at something . . . we just need to uncover and release it.

Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling: A Comprehensive, Easy-to-Use Guide for the Journey from Early Learning through Graduation

by Lee Ann Garfias

Item Number: 1669

Book -- In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more families than ever before are considering or reevaluating homeschooling. Lea Ann Garfias, homeschooling mom of six and herself a homeschool graduate, has all the information you need to succeed. She guides you through your toughest questions, including: Should I homeschool my kids? How do I get started? What books should I buy? What do I do in the first day? The first year? How do I know if my child is on track? If homeschooling is successful? What do I teach in each subject at every age? What is my own best way of teaching, and how can my child learn his own way? What if my child has a learning disability? What are the dangers of homeschooling, and how do I avoid them? Will homeschooling help my family draw closer to God and to each other? This complete reference guide will provide you with everything you need to successfully tackle homeschooling in your own style, filling your experience with confidence, grace, and the joy of learning.

Excused Absence: Should Christian Kids Leave Public Schools?

by Douglas Wilson

Item Number: 1405

Book -- Should Christians send their kids to public schools as "salt" and "light," or to home and private institutions shaped by a biblical worldview? Founder of the Logos School, Wilson argues that because our children belong to God, we mustn't "render them unto Caesar" but instead surround them with divine truth---including from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World

by Paul S. Wilson

Item Number: 1485

Book -- Many Christians in the West sense that traditional Christian teaching is losing traction in the public square. What does faithful Christian witness look like in a post-Christian culture? In Exiles on Mission, Paul Williams, the CEO of one of the world's largest and oldest Bible societies, interprets the dissonance Christians often experience while trying to live out their faith in the 21st century. He provides constructive tools to help readers understand culture in a myriad of contexts and offers a missional response. Williams calls for a truly missional understanding of post-Christendom Christianity whereby local churches are reimagined as embassies of the kingdom of God and Christians serve as ambassadors in all spheres of life and work. This book invites readers to embrace the language of exile and imagine a hopeful mission of the scattered and gathered church in the post-Christian West. It shows a clear pathway for fruitful missional engagement for the whole people of God, helping Christians make sense of the world in which they live, more authentically integrate faith with everyday life, and orient all of their efforts within God's missional purpose for the world.

Experiencing God Revised and Expanded: Knowing and Doing the Will of God

by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King

Item Number: 1616

Book -- The Experiencing God ministry is even more vibrant today than when it began. As it continues to rise, and the world continues to change, the Experiencing God book has been revised and expanded with more than seventy percent of its material newly written.A modern classic that has sold millions of copies worldwide, Experiencing God is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. By understanding how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly know and do His will and discover our lives greatly and gracefully changed.

Eyes Have I That See: The Selected Poems of John Julian

by John Julian

Item Number: 1511

Book -- From rough folk-verse to high-flown poesy, from a nine-line rhyme to a six-hundred-line epic, both the style and genre of the poetry in this volume cover a broad range of poetic possibility. This is the first volume of John Julian’s poetry ever published, revealing an important new American poetic voice.