Media Library
Parenting | Adoption | Foster Care
Title Starts with 'E'

 The Our City Blessed media library items are available to borrow for personal use at no cost using the honor system. In order that others may utilize the library resources, we ask that you only borrow up to three media item at a time and return them within a month.

Media library requests from our ministry cities will be delivered and picked up by one of our team members or volunteers.

While our focus is the cities in which we have ministries, we accept media library requests for those who live elsewhere. Our City Blessed will ship these media requests. For shipped media, we ask that if you are able to please pay for the return shipping. If unable to pay, please check the box when submitting the Media Request Form and we will include a postage paid return envelope.

Library media is listed alphabetically by title.

Education a la Carte: Choosing the Best Schooling Options for Your Child

by Dr. Kevin Leman

Item Number: 1417

Book -- Public, private, charter, homeschool, online programs - the number of educational options can be overwhelming! Which is right for your child? Clearly explaining the pros and cons of various alternatives, Dr. Kevin Leman offers valuable insights to help you choose the path that will best motivate your children to develop their strengths and natural talents. Includes a Q&A section.

Empowering, Connecting, & Correcting Principles

The TCU Institute of Child Development

Item Number:

DVD -- This presentation explains the principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention ® – a research-based approach with children who come from “hard places.” These are children who have been exposed to substance in utero or have suffered early abuse, neglect, or trauma. Harm during these critical stages of brain growth causes significant disruptions in a child’s development. Through years of research and experience with children around the world, Dr. Karyn Purvis offers a path of healing through a trust-based, relationship-based holistic approach.

Enjoy Your Strong-Willed Child

Celebrate Calm

Item Number:

DVD -- Specific strategies to: Understand your strong-willed child and how to motivate him without power struggles. Stop yelling, lecturing, and nagging. Enjoy your strong-willed child.

Este adolescente necesita otros padres

by David Sola

Item Number: 1440

Book -- Sí, pero no unos padres cualesquiera; de ser así, el remedio podría ser peor que la enfermedad. Este adolescente necesita un padre y una madre que le amen como lo amáis vosotros, que le comprendan como lo hacéis vosotros, que estén dispuestos a ayudarle como lo estáis vosotros, que tengan claras las pautas a seguir como las tenéis vosotros; pero, que a su vez, puedan ejercer de padres por encima de su particular experiencia personal, que no conviertan a su hijo en víctima de sus carencias, represiones, temores, inseguridades, dependencias y demás secuelas emocionales negativas. En definitiva, un padre y una madre que rocen la excelencia a partir de una renovación interior gracias a la aportación que sus hijos han realizado en su vida.

Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling: A Comprehensive, Easy-to-Use Guide for the Journey from Early Learning through Graduation

by Lee Ann Garfias

Item Number: 1669

Book -- In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more families than ever before are considering or reevaluating homeschooling. Lea Ann Garfias, homeschooling mom of six and herself a homeschool graduate, has all the information you need to succeed. She guides you through your toughest questions, including: Should I homeschool my kids? How do I get started? What books should I buy? What do I do in the first day? The first year? How do I know if my child is on track? If homeschooling is successful? What do I teach in each subject at every age? What is my own best way of teaching, and how can my child learn his own way? What if my child has a learning disability? What are the dangers of homeschooling, and how do I avoid them? Will homeschooling help my family draw closer to God and to each other? This complete reference guide will provide you with everything you need to successfully tackle homeschooling in your own style, filling your experience with confidence, grace, and the joy of learning.

Excused Absence: Should Christian Kids Leave Public Schools?

by Douglas Wilson

Item Number: 1405

Book -- Should Christians send their kids to public schools as "salt" and "light," or to home and private institutions shaped by a biblical worldview? Founder of the Logos School, Wilson argues that because our children belong to God, we mustn't "render them unto Caesar" but instead surround them with divine truth---including from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.